Business Case - A Laundry that doubled its value!

logotipo de Blue Lanudry

For the sake of confidentiality and respect for our client’s wishes, final values, names of people, company names, website and any other element that can specify with certainty any participant in this business case will not be revealed.

The Client

A laundry in the western Algarve that offers ironing, washing and drying services, with machines whose brand is a reference of top quality, recognized by consumers as effective, being for the owner sources of profitability in terms of cost / use.

The Challenge

Service already existing in the area, a Laundromat that has several years of experience and is already a locally established brand with a fixed customer base. We are talking about a city where the population is around 5000 inhabitants but which is highly seasonal and with tourism playing in its favor.

In addition, we had to take into account that our customer’s initial investment in acquiring the store and equipping it led him to look for cheap and more effective solutions in the act of advertising and attracting customers.

The Solution

Creation of a low cost website (landing page) in English and Portuguese with all the necessary information, partnership with the brand that equips the store and investment in digital marketing, with Google Ads and Facebook Ads being the main pieces in attracting customers.

The client’s social networks were also developed, with a more active presence, with quick communication and with the aim of creating a community.

The strategy outlined then went through these phases:

  • Facebook Ads (12 Months)
    • Fase 1 – Ads for local people
    • Fase 2 – Advertisements in high tourist season for the caravaners segment
    • Fase 1 resumes
  • Google Ads (9 Months)
    • Fase 1 – Branding Campaign
    • Fase 2 – Products Campaign

This strategy was designed for the period of 12 months in Facebook Ads and 9 months for Google Ads, with small weekly adjustments depending on their performance, as well as the implementation of A / B tests for performance analysis.

"... only € 10 monthly for Google Ads and FB Ads ..."

Digital Marketing Investment

We took in consideration our client’s investment in building a laundry from scratch, as well as equipping it.

Of course we would like to have more room for maneuver but in the final agreement our client only had € 10 per month for Google Ads and FB Ads, yes, € 5 for each.

In terms of Social Media we commit to making 1 post per week to feed the page feed so as not to show an aspect of abandonment, and the owner would do more if he considered it so.

The Competition

So, fate decided, that our client’s competitors did not have any kind of digital presence, making it easier for us to go to the internet to advertise the store and attract curious and customers.

Let it be mirrored here for any reader, that this variable was in fact lucky and something that helped us (a lot) to do whatever we wanted in the search for new customers.


As was said, a campaign was carried out on the type of services / products contemplated in our client’s laundry.Knowing that his laundry practiced the cheapest prices as well as a promotion for those who adhered to the membership card, we paid special focus on these conditions.

The Strategy

Knowing that in terms of budget there was not much to do, we went to find out what was playing in our favor – the size of the target audience. This was the factor we found to achieve effective and efficient advertising.

Being 5000 inhabitants the total size, we then focused on what was right outside our client’s laundry room, the local population.

In terms of Google Ads, we closed ourselves geographically with strong keywords, always controlling negatives, attracting people to the site,

giving away the machinery brand awareness (association with the brand) and services, Manual CPC for cost control, using ads & extension rotation depending on their performance.

In terms of Facebook Ads, the strategy was to circulate the target population to realize that there were alternatives to the existing laundry, pressing through remarketing. In the summer months there was a pause in this strategy and campaigns for caravanners began.

The Numbers

Over 9 months of campaigns on Google ads we reveal the average and clicks in a summary. Knowing that a good CTR is 2%, we present values above the average.

Regarding keywords, the top 3 keywords show the relevance of our ads in bringing potential customers to our client’s website.

And in the end...what happened?!

One day, at the office, we received a call from this same client saying that he no longer needed our business. He explained that he received a proposal of about 75% higher than his entire investment and that he would accept it.

This sale would include its physical space and machinery, logo and brand, website and domain.

We are grateful for partaking in this adventure with our client, grateful for his trust and it lingers the promise of our future involvement in his new business bets.

To finish, we leave a summary of the strategy and timings of application:

The business was sold for 75% more of the total investment

“Logrise has always been able to adapt itself to my concerns, giving me the feeling that the strategy was customized to my reality, achieving an amazing and very positive end deal!”

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