How to Unblock a Facebook Account

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If there’s something super annoying about Facebook, it’s when they decide to disable our page or ads account and don’t even give us a reason. It’s a bit like pimples, when we least expect it, one appears to spoil everything.

We preferred not to have to write this article, it would be a sign that this never happen, but unfortunately it has become such a recurrent thing for Facebook to start blocking accounts, that we decided to create this article explaining some factors that can lead to blocking and how to resolve the situation.

Having the page or ad account blocked is horrible, but it’s not the end of the world, and like everything else in life, there are several solutions. But first, let’s see some reasons that lead Facebook to block our accounts or pages.

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4 reasons why Facebook disables a Page or ad account

Believe it or not, in most cases, the advertiser was at fault. In other words, if your account is blocked, it is certainly because you must have violated some of Facebook’s advertising policies, or some other rule. We strongly recommend that you read the ad guidelines to avoid problems in the future. Such as:

1) Lack of Information on the Page

If, for example, you are advertising for pages that do not contain additional information about the company or the producer, such as tax number, address, telephone number, online chat, etc. In other words, information that gives more security to people who want to buy, it’s as if technically there was no business. Therefore, Facebook may disable the ad, fearing that it is some kind of scam or fraud.

The truth is, we have to think like we’re the customer. Do we feel safe clicking on an ad and landing on a sales page that doesn’t provide us with any contact information? And if we need to clear up a doubt or worse, complain about something after the sale. Who are we going to complain to?

2) Auto Play Video Page

Facebook also doesn’t like pages that already open with a video on autoplay. We know this can help improve your conversion rate, but it’s not the best way to Facebook’s point of view as this is not an interesting experience for every visitor.

3) Site and Fanpage Relevance

Facebook has some metrics to determine if a fan page provides relevant information to users or is just used to create “intrusive” ads. In addition, they also observe the domain of your website and check the quality of the pages over time. Basically, you need to deliver valuable information to the user, rather than just wanting to capture their email or make an immediate sale.

4) Exaggerated promises

Facebook pays attention to exaggerated promises in the description of ads. In other words, you should avoid phrases like: “Click here and find out how to become a millionaire in 1 minute” or “Cancer cure revealed, read more here”. That is, untruths are blocked in ad accounts, and you can be sure that Facebook’s algorithms have advanced intelligence to detect these types of misleading advertisements.

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What to do when the account is blocked?

These were some of the reasons that can contribute to the disabling of the page or ad account and that could be avoided. However, there are numerous other reasons that are a little more difficult to understand how to solve, and that’s where you get in touch with Facebook Support. However, there are some steps we can take first, as they are one of the first things we are asked to do.

1) Check your Account Quality

Facebook sometimes indicates the reason right away, and this is usually found in Account Quality. On that same page, there is a blue button that says “Request Review”. If this button is active, then you should click on it and request an account review. Often this just helps Facebook to realize that either the account has no errors, and they unlock it, or send an error and explain what steps to follow.

To check your account quality area, follow these steps:

Facebook Business Suite > More Tools > Ad Manager > All Tools (the three dashes in the top corner) > Account Quality

2) Speak directly with Facebook Support

Emailing Facebook support can become pointless because it often takes forever to respond, and we end up with business stalled and feeling stuck.

The best thing in these cases of account blocking, payment method problems, or disapproved ads is to chat directly with someone from the social network support.

How can you speak with Facebook Support? Easy, search Facebook support, enter the first Facebook link, inside that page in the upper right corner you will find the word “Support”. Click on it and then “Contact advertising support”. Then just select the reason why you make the contact request and enter your data. From that moment on, a Messenger window will open and just wait for the support assistant to enter.

Facebook Blocks Facebook Unblocks!

If you follow all these steps and are not able to solve the problem, talk to us, we are sure that together we will find a solution.

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